We are nearly a week into the New Year and I have decided a few things I want to give a go this year. These are not new year’s resolutions, as the world will not end if I do not achieve them. They are just things I want to attempt this. But, if all else fails I have Jesus so that’s cool to!
So here we go 10 things I am going to give a go this year.

1.       Play my first netball match
A fun way to exercise, meet new people and have a laugh. I am so much happier after I have exercised and I would 100% recommend taking up a new sport to anyone.
2.       Read the Bible in 90 days
I keep trying to commit to reading the whole Bible in a year but I get distracted and would rather read the bits I like to read during my daily Bible time. So I'm just going to go for it and commit to it.
3.       Sort my body out
I have a bit of a rubbish body. When I'm stressed or anxious my stomach creates too much acid which means when I eat I feel sick. At the end of this year I even put off going out for food with my friends because I was so scared of feeling this way in front of people. On the up side, I have found a solution. Nevertheless, it would be nice not to have to take a tablet every day.
4.       Journal more
I'm an external processor and keep being advised to journal. I'm going to attempt to do this more this year. I'll let you know how it goes.
 5.       Get on a plane on my own
I'm terrified of flying and before I get married I want to prove to myself I can fly alone. What better way to do it then go and do some good in the world and do a mission trip?
6.       Blog more about a Jesus
God is awesome and people need to know this. Need I say more.
7.       Be bolder
Whether that means wearing more brightly coloured tights, trying new things, doing an open water swim (yes I have researched this) go on adventures or sticking to my guns more. I'm going to give it a go.
8.       Try new exciting recipes
Trying to eat well and healthy can be hard when you are busy. This year I intend on being more organised, meal plan and try new exciting healthy recipes to care for my body
9.       Read more story books
Getting lost in the world of a book can be magical but I often watch telly at the end of a busy day. I think it's time to change this.
10.    Get up earlier
It's time I am loyal to my alarm and rise and shine! There's so much I could do if I wasn't lazy in the morning. I could go swimming before work, eat a nutritious breakfast, read, house work. The list could go on.

I could fail at all these things, but I'm going to try to do as many as I can this year! I think it is important to enjoy life as you never know what is around the corner.
What are your New Years resolutions? Leave a comment and let me know?

Be blessed Steph xoxo

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