Happy New Year everyone!
In general, this year has been extraordinary and was filled by so much joy and laughter. However, it was not all laughs, there was sadness too and those lost will always be remembered. It was generally a good year and I'm looking forward to 2017. So here we are, a year in review.

People began treating me differently:
As soon as you say, you’re going through the process, God willing, to become a vicar, people think you are some kind alien. I have had to learn to understand that people don’t always get what I am doing and just have some grace if they are rude to me.  For this reason, I started this blog in the hope to give people an understanding of what it might mean to be an ordinand and young Christian woman.

I finished my degree:
In June, this year I accomplished a 2:1 in my degree and graduated from the university of Chester. It was ‘’blumin’ hard. Nevertheless, I feel I learnt so much in my three years at Chester uni, from how to look after myself, deal with living with 4 women, to understanding what context theology is, getting to know the gospels and most of all becoming a minor expert on women priests and clothing. I've made some fantastic friends and I am very ready for the next chapter.

I was accepted for training as a priest:
This is probably the most significant thing of this year. It has been a very hard journey with endless interviews and decerning, but I could not be happier. I would not say this has changed my whole life, because when I finished uni I knew things would change. Nevertheless, it has impacted on myself and anyone close to me. It's a journey like no other, but I feel so blessed to be called to this vocation.
I began planning my wedding:
At the end of 2015 my fiancé proposed to me next to where we had our first date. It was perfect. It wasn't the magical princess moment I thought it would be in my head. It was the perfect moment for Harry and I. So, this year meant I had to start planning. We now have a date, a room, some bridesmaids, food, decorations, transport and venues. There is still so much to plan, but we have plenty of time to do it.
 God has plans I don't like:
I desperately wanted to go away to train to be a vicar and I had a place at Ridley College Cambridge. But I have never felt God say no to something more in my little life. I felt like God was taking something away from me that I so desperately wanted. The mode I am training in instead is wonderful. Even if this summer was very stressful, trusting and waiting upon God, I am 98% sure I am doing what is right.

I bought a table and chairs:
This may not sound a big thing for my friends with children and a house, but for me it is huge. It means I am growing up. I now own a sofa as well, that I bought with my own money! This all means I have moved out from home, nearly (sorry mom) and beginning to make my way on God’s earth. Any one who says growing up is easy is lying or abnormal.

I re-took up a new sport:
When I finished uni and returned to Chester I realised that many of my friends had either left Chester or were a Christian. Now it's wonderful that my friends are coming to know God, but I needed to get outside the Christian bubble too. I decided to start playing netball again. I played at school and captained the team. I had defiantly forgotten how to shoot and some of the rules, however it is a lot of fun and has been a great way to meet new people.

What are my plans for this year? Well I’ll post that in the new year. I hope everyone reading this has had some good parts in 2016 and is looking forward to 2017.

Be blessed
 Steph xoxo

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