This one time I went to India, Volume 1

This photo was taken right after I had a good cry, so please forgive my red face.

Today I finally get to go to my dream destination: India. I have wanted to go here since I have been a little girl. I saw a program about it on the telly and was fascinated with the colours, the views, the people and how it seemed to change people’s lives. And finally here I am, gathering all my courage, sat in Manchester airport waiting to board my delayed plane. 

This trip has been a huge, huge venture for me. It may seem tiny to my globe trotter friends, but for a person who hasn’t been out of Europe this is a big thing for me, so please forgive me. I am terrified of traveling and being on my own, so solo travel is a huge nightmare. This year I have overcome a lot of my fears, firstly traveling through London on my own to driving across the country, I have faced things from my teenage years I did not want to deal with, I have lived on my own (be it only 3months), spoken in front of a room full of people about my faith and tried what can only be described as a rap morning prayer service. All of these things have been a step outside my comfort zone, so what’s one more thing I guess! I think this might top them all.

I am not completely traveling on my own, however.  Once I get to India I will be met by a nice person who will take me to where I will be volunteering in Delhi. This organisation has probably dealt with 100 scared visitors so I trust I will be in safe hands. 

Whilst I am in Delhi I will be volunteering with a women’s empowerment program which is part of volunteer India. Supporting women and helping them get educated to have a better life is something I am extremely passionate about. What better way to go on my solo adventure to help one of the groups of people I am passionate about helping.

This trip is going to be terrifying, I will miss home and Harry immensely, I’ll probably get diarrhoea 💩, but I cannot wait for the experience and the stories I will have because of it.

 Think of those sermon analogies.

“You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.”  So here's to the 20 seconds of courage I had back in March to book this!

Be Blessed,

#india #adventure #travel #christianwomen

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