It has been terrifying because my anxiety as taken over my body and made it really hard to really enjoy my time here. It has affected my food consumption and my happy demeanour, which on the up has got rid of the bit weight I put on round my hips, however it has also made me want to go home. This feeling does seem to be going as I settle into the program I am volunteering on. Thank you everyone who has prayed and continues to pray for my anxiety.
It has also been terrifying because of the roads! None of this organised road crossing, or politely letting people out. It is foot on the peddle and horns honked. If anyone made a sound track to India they should defiantly have horns honking! Nevertheless, I love auto rickshaw (tuck tuck) journeys, you never really know if the driver knows the way or how crazy he will drive. It’s quite exhilarating really.

All in all I’m having a fantastic time. My fears are slowly being conquered, I’m being well looked after and am looking forward to continuing the adventure with a weekend visiting the Golden Triangle.
Be Blessed
#india #adventure #empoweringwomen #christianblogg
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