A reflection on lent

A reflection on lent-Make up free and living on my own

I'm overtly conscious about how rosey my cheeks are, do I like attractive enough, do I reach the fashionable girl standard.
I would spend way too much time fussing over the way I looked. I was drowning in image insecurity. Fashion and make-up where no longer fun, they were a task.

For these reasons this year I decided I would take the bull by the horns and try to get over this necessity to look a certain way. As currently I am surrounded with buckets loads of support and I have been tackling aspects of my life which have been hard to reflect on. I therefore felt it time I learnt to love the skin God made for me without adding anything to it. It's been a huge learning curve. I gave up make-up slowly wearing less and less each week and spent three weeks make-up free. I found day to day easy, no one really noticed, in fact more people commented on how beautiful they thought I was, on the inside and outside. Others said they didn't even notice when I told them I had given up makeup. I guess I had just cared too much. The hardest thing about it was when I went out. I desperately wanted to spend time putting my make-up on because I enjoy it.

All in all what I learnt is; no one actually pays that much attention; I really enjoy putting make-up on; I don't need to wear it every day; my eye lashes are in great condition if I don't wear mascara all the time; beauty comes from the inside as well as out; God made me and that is what is important.

Now living on my own.

That's been hard. Especially when someone close to me got their house broken into. I got very scared and lonely when I had nights on my own. I found some days I didn't speak to anyone till 7pm. I found it really hard to look after myself properly as no one was in the house telling me otherwise. I lost that accountability I got from having a housemate.

On a positive note. I learnt to be very happy in my own company. I didn't have to worry about my mess. I spent a lot more time in prayer with God. I met up with more people. I realized I was a much more capable woman then I thought. Peace and quiet is really beautiful.

I am now so grateful not to be on my own again. I'm 100% an extrovert, but it was something I'm glad I did before I was married even if for a few months. These last three months I have honestly learnt so much about myself, that I just was not really aware of before and that's been good. There is still stuff to tackle and take on, but that's ok to! No one changes over night! So, have courage that if there's something your struggling with, surround yourself with support and love and try to overcome it. Even if it's a little bit at a time.

Every Blessing

#lent #makeup #makeupfast #livingalone #godisgood #christianblogger #traineevicar

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